Welcome to the Regulation Round Up, a regular bulletin highlighting the latest developments in UK and EU financial services regulation.

Key developments in January 2025:

31 January

UK Listing Rules: The FCA published a consultation paper (CP25/2) on further changes to the public offers and admissions to trading regime and to the UK Listing Rules.

On 8 January 2025, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) published a draft report and launched a call for feedback on proposed updates to the EU taxonomy. This includes revisions to the Climate Delegated Act and new technical screening criteria. Stakeholders are invited to submit feedback by 5 February 2025.

Key areas sought for

On 17 December 2024, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance (the “Platform”), an advisory body to the European Commission (the “Commission”), has published a briefing note to the Commission, outlining their proposals for a new categorization system for sustainable finance products (the “Proposal”).  This is intended to be in replacement of the current regime under

On 13 December 2024, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, has published Q&As with further details on three specific aspects of the practical application of their Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms (the Guidelines). 

The Q&As cover:

  • meaningfully investing in sustainable investments

On 11 November 2024, the Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”) launched a consultation with significant updates proposed to the UK Stewardship Code (the “Code”).   The aims of the consultation are to streamline reporting requirements and reduce burdens for signatories whilst ensuring there is a clearer purpose of the Code and the outcomes

Background of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) was entered force on 25 July 2024. The purpose of this Directive is to promote sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in companies’ operations and throughout their global supply chains. Member States must transpose the Directive into national law and communicate

The deadline for EU member states (‘‘Member States’’) to implement the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”) into national laws was 6 July 2024. Under EU infringement procedures, the European Commission (‘‘Commission’’) may now take legal action against Member States for failing to implement EU laws. The Commission announced that

ESMA has translated their Guidelines on ESG-related fund names, which has started the clock for applicability. For information on the asset allocation thresholds and the exclusionary criteria, alongside the funds in scope and supervisory expectations, please see our Q&A here.

For new funds, the Guidelines will apply from 21 November 2024.
For existing funds