The Trump Administration and the new Republican-led Congress are expected to create a friendlier governmental approach to crypto assets. Among other things, key nominees to serve as senior administration officials are known to favor a friendlier approach, including Paul Atkins, who has been tapped to become Chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission. In Congress
Capital Markets
Proskauer Hedge Fund Trading Guide 2024 – Chapter 3: Special Issues under Sections 13(d) and 16 for Hedge Funds
Proskauer’s Practical Guide to the Regulation of Hedge Fund Trading Activities offers a concise, easy-to-read overview of the trading issues and questions we commonly encounter when advising hedge funds and their managers. It is written not only for lawyers, but also for investment professionals, support staff and others interested in gaining a quick understanding of the recurring trading issues we tackle for clients, along with the solutions and analyses we have developed over our decades-long representation of hedge funds and their managers.
The Corporate Transparency Act: The Government Appeals Preliminary Injunction. What To Do Now?
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires all corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and many other entities created or registered to do business in any U.S. state to file a beneficial ownership interest report (BOI Report) with the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The BOI Report includes the ultimate beneficial owners of the entity…
On Procedural Grounds, the 5th Circuit Rules In SEC’s Favor On A Shareholder Proposal; Looking Ahead to Shareholder Proposals Under the Incoming Republican Administration
Last month, the 5th U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in the SEC’s favor in a lawsuit brought by the National Center for Public Policy Research (the “Center”). The Center had submitted a shareholder proposal to The Kroger Company seeking to address what the Center described as “blatant leftwing actions” and seeking a report on…
The Fate of the New U.S. Climate Change Rules Under the New Republican Administration; Certain States are Expected to Ramp Up Their Climate Change Efforts
It is no secret that the incoming Republican Administration has been skeptical of the federal government’s climate change measures, which brings further uncertainty to the SEC’s new climate change rules (the “Rules”). To be sure, there was already uncertainty surrounding litigation in the 8th U.S. Court of Appeals over the Rules’ validity.
The new…
New filing deadlines for Schedule 13G effective September 30
The deadlines for filing and amending Schedule 13Gs are about to change, and regular 13G amendments will now be due on a quarterly basis instead of annually.
As we discussed in our alert last fall (available here), in October of 2023, the SEC adopted new rules governing beneficial ownership reporting, including accelerating the filing deadlines…
FinCEN Clarifies that Dissolved Entities are Subject to CTA Reporting Obligations
On July 8, 2024, the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) released additional FAQs[1] with respect to the beneficial ownership reporting requirements of dissolved entities. The Corporate Transparency Act requires reporting companies to report to FinCEN information about their beneficial owners and company applicants (a “BOI Report”) and is intended to help prevent and combat money laundering, terrorist financing, tax fraud and other illicit activity. The Beneficial Ownership Reporting Rule (the “BOI Rule”), promulgated by FinCEN in September 2022, establishes the types of entities that are reporting companies and how beneficial owners and company applicants are determined, as well as what information is required to be reported about these entities and individuals.
Proskauer Hedge Fund Trading Guide 2024 – Chapter 2: Insider Trading: Focus on Subtle and Complex Issues
Proskauer’s Practical Guide to the Regulation of Hedge Fund Trading Activities offers a concise, easy-to-read overview of the trading issues and questions we commonly encounter when advising hedge funds and their managers. It is written not only for lawyers, but also for investment professionals, support staff and others interested in gaining a quick understanding of the recurring trading issues we tackle for clients, along with the solutions and analyses we have developed over our decades-long representation of hedge funds and their managers.
New T+1 Settlement Cycle Takes Effect May 28th
The SEC’s new rules imposing a T + 1 settlement cycle for most securities transactions take effect on May 28, 2024. The previous default settlement cycle had been T + 2. For firm commitment offerings priced after 4:30 p.m. eastern time, including IPOs, the settlement cycle will be reduced from T+4 to T+2. While the…
Primarily Non-Financial Corporate Reporting: Climate Change
Version 2.0 following publication of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Climate-Related Disclosure Rules
A wave of new legislation and regulation in the U.S. and Europe has the potential to significantly impact the non-financial reporting obligations of U.S. companies. With the myriad of requirements overlaid with varying timelines, it can be challenging to understand…